CPFT sample exam questions

Here's a few sample exam questions to help you prepare for your Certified Personal Fitness Trainer written exam. 

Sample exam questions

I. As exercise intensity is progressively increased during aerobic activity, the expected blood pressure response is likely:

  1. To be a substantial increase in systolic and diastolic.
  2. To be a decrease in of any amount in systolic and diastolic.
  3. To be an arterial pressure and diastolic pressure decrease.
  4. To be a systolic pressure increase; diastolic remains the same or may decrease
  5. slightly.

II. What is TRUE about an individual in the ACTION stage of change?

  1. Has been consistently active for over a year.
  2. May be looking for some tips to help stay motivated.
  3. Does not know what activities they could try.
  4. Has made plans to make changes in the next month.

III. After six weeks of participation in a walk-jog program, your client describes pain in his lower leg consistent with ‘shin splints’ while doing any weight bearing activities. As a Trainer you should:

  1. Work with them to develop a list of low impact physical activity alternatives and advise them to consult their physician prior to initiating any weight bearing activities.
  2. Explain the concept of overtraining and overuse injury to the client and discuss the potential clinical ramifications of continuing this behavior.
  3. Prescribe a low impact aerobics program for them.
  4. Tell him to buy a new pair of running shoes with appropriate orthotics.

IV. Based on the Progressive Overload principle, progressions for resistance training should be made:

  1. Every 4 weeks for adults
  2. Every 2 weeks for adults and every 6 weeks for elderly
  3. Every 1-2 weeks for adults and every 2-4 weeks for elderly
  4. None of the above

V. Initiation of a strength focused resistance training program typically results in strength gains within the first few weeks with little or no change in muscle mass. Which of the following factors is NOT responsible for these gains?

  1. Increased neural response to the muscle
  2. Increased number if fast twitch fibres
  3. Increased coordination of agonists, antagonists and synergists
  4. Inhibition of the protective mechanism of the Golgi tendon organ

VI. Monoaxial movement is associated with which joints?

  1. Hinge
  2. Saddle
  3. Ball and socket
  4. Ellipsoidal

VII. An individual would like to start an introductory resistance training program. The first stage of their program would focus on:

  1. Muscular power
  2. Muscular endurance
  3. Muscular strength
  4. Muscular definition

VIII. The primary muscles involved in hip adduction include all the following EXCEPT:

  1. Pectineus
  2. Gracilis
  3. Sartorius
  4. Adductor brevis

IX. The most applicable training volumes to train for hypertrophy are:

  1. 70-80% of 1 rep max loads 9-12 repetitions for 3-5 sets
  2. 70-80% of 1 rep max loads 4-6 repetitions for 3-5 sets
  3. More than 85% of 1 rep max loads 9-12 repetitions for 3-5 sets
  4. More than 85% of 1 rep max loads 4-6 repetitions for 3-5 sets

X. Injuries to fibrocartilage have limited abilities to heal primary due to:

  1. The requirement to obtain oxygen and nutrients via diffusion.
  2. The requirements to obtain oxygen and nutrients via ample blood supply.
  3. The requirements to obtain oxygen and nutrients via limited mitochondria
  4. presence.
  5. The requirement to obtain oxygen and nutrients via surface capillaries.

XI. The phases of healing for inflammatory injuries occur in the following order:

  1. Proliferation – remodeling - inflammation
  2. Inflammation – remodeling – proliferation
  3. Inflammation – proliferation – remodeling
  4. Proliferation – inflammation – remodeling


Answers: 1 (4), 2 (2), 3 (1), 4 (4), 5 (2), 6 (1), 7 (2), 8 (3), 9 (1), 10 (1), 11 (3)

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