Personal trainer recertification

Stay up to date with best practice and current evidence. Renew your certification. It's what professionals do. If you are ready to recertify, you can pay your fees now

Stay at the top of your profession

Recertification demonstrates your commitment to standards and professionalism to your clients. Maintain your CPR, First Aid and insurance, and take advantage of world-class professional development opportunities offered by Fitness Alberta. Stay connected to and empowered by your community of peers. Put simply, maintaining credentials is what professionals do. 


  • Recertification is required annually by May 31st
  • Complete 15 credits of professional development every second year following date of original certification
  • Current CPR – Level C or HCP (issued within the last 24 months)
  • Standard First Aid (current as of expiry date on the card)
  • Recertification fees 

Late Recertification Policy

In the event you are unable to complete your AFLCA recertification on or before the expiry date, late packages may be accepted under the following conditions:

  • Expired up to 30 days – No late fee, however insurance coverage will not begin until documents are verified as complete and processed. This date will be reflected on your insurance certificate.
  • Expired 2 to 6 months – payment of a $50 late fee required in addition to recertification fee.
  • Expired longer than 6 months to 1 year – payment of $100 required in addition to recertification fee.
  • Expired longer than 1 year – challenge applicable exams, complete a practical assessment and other certification requirements.

Please note that until your completed recertification package is received (in full); your AFLCA certification and insurance are not considered valid.

Visit our store to purchase your recertification

Upload your information and pay your fees to recertify

Purchase recertification