Exam Accommodation Fee



Exam accommodation fee: 30 minutes added time - pre approval required.

I have been approved by the Fitness Alberta office to purchase this fee

I understand that my order will be reviewed for eligibility before my exam fee is processed

I understand I must pay this accommodation fee 5 business days prior to my scheduled exam time to allow for processing

I understand this is a one time purchase of 30 minutes of additional exam writing time.

I understand there are no refunds for this order

Approval documentation from Fitness Alberta Office

Upload your email communication with the Fitness Alberta office verifying eligibility.

Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx