Exam Repurchase Registration Fee



This product is for exam fees related to a missed exam sitting due to absence, technical difficulty, etc. 

I have contacted the Fitness Alberta office and have been granted approval for an exam repurchase.

I have tested the operating system requirements for the online proctored exam and all is functioning. I’ll perform another test prior to the online exam (same day) in order to make sure this is still the case to avoid a forfeit of the online exam.

I understand that my order will be verified & processed before my exam registration is complete

I am purchasing this product for the following exam

Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx