Skills development challenge virtual mentorship

In Person Certification Course


The Skills Development Mentorship is highly recommended for people new to personal training because:

  • Candidates who have completed the mentorship have a higher rate of success on examinations.
  • The mentorship refines the practical component of personal training certification with Fitness Alberta.
  • The mentorship also highlights the skills you need to know to pass your practical exam.

Calls will take place via phone, google meets or zoom at times that are convenient for both the CPFT student and mentor.

Mentorship schedule takes 3-5 weeks to complete. There will be 3-5 communications in total, and the student will be required to submit 3 videos. Prior to submitting each video, you will meet with the CPFT mentor to discuss what should be included in the video. Once the video is submitted, the CPFT mentor will review it and set up a debrief call to discuss what they observed. 

Skills development workshop schedule outline example

Please note pre-approval to challenge this step from the Fitness Alberta office is required in order to purchase this product.

I have submitted my challenge education review and received approval from the Fitness Alberta office to purchase this as a challenge candidate

I understand that this product is non-refundable.

I understand that I will meet virtually with a CPFT mentor and that our virtual sessions cannot be recorded.

I understand that I will submit 3 videos using the platform of my choice (google, youtube, etc.)

Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx
Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx