Video requirements

To apply for the trainer-educator, assistant trainer-educator course, you must provide a 15-25-minute video demonstration of your class leadership skills. 

Video requirements

Videos need to demonstrate the following:

  • All components of a fitness/exercise class
  • Transitions between class or fitness components ‐ example: warm up to cardio to cool down
  • You facilitating and interaction with participants
  • Musicality (executing movement with beats and phrasing)
  • Appropriate use of movement mechanics and effective execution of movement patterns or exercises

Length and Content

  • Required length: 15 to 25 minutes
  • Content should include: warm up, cardiovascular component or main section, remaining time  - muscle conditioning, cool down, flexibility

Helpful Tip

Before uploading ‐ Test your video to ensure it is good quality. Is it clear, can you be heard, seen, and is there interaction with participants?